Monday, May 11, 2015


     What is music and where did we get it from? It is art it s a way to express feelings.
      We don`t know for sure where we got it. but we can say this for sure music has existed for thousands of years. and it is not going any where. i believe people in thousands of years (if we aren`t extinct) will wonder what the heck were those people thinking. The beautiful thing is music is not a natural selection or survival of the fittest. it is what it is. chemicals don`t come together to produce music. friction does that vibrations do that.. some sounds, sound better than others. and I am on a musician to find some of the best sound out there and on my way im sure i will discover some of the scariest that not even the devil would create ;)
      We can`t define music but it defines us as a culture.what is music to you? because just as people are different so is music.

The psychotic side

     For those of you who don't know I am a songwriter. I have fallen in deep love with the piano and guitar. I want to be one of the greatest singer-songwriters who ever existed. one thing interesting is that songs are very repetitive. songs on average have about 1 to 3 chord progressions the whole time. they are very simple to. hate to ruin the fun but there is really nothing impressive about pop, rap, or american music in general. But it is fun;)
     I am reminded of a song called Bohemian rhapsody. That song broke records that probably wont be broken for a long time.that song has about six sections with in the song. so it has lead me to believe that the more sections the song has the more memorable it is. That is also why some songs will last through the ages and earned it by the weekend wont ever be talked about again in 2016, if we still alive.
     Something funny is that after watching several episodes of brain games, i have learned how humans love to create patterns every thing. we remember the fastest route home. we remember fire means hot and ice means cold. we also remember what are parents and teachers tell us. So we must come to the assumption that what ever music we grow up with is our preferable music. this is also why we remember songs and consider them are jams.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Music's Own Ethnicities

     I would like to apologize in advance because it is late. -Jacob Serrano
     We have so many kinds of unique music styles, but ever wondered where we got jazz, blues, rap, country, opera, Latin, or any other music you can think of? 0_0 It is like asking your self, "Bro what if there was no Rap?!" well that eliminates most of the preferred music for teens now a days. Or what about country? Well, that is what makes `Murica, `Murica!
     Music evolved from different rhythms and different scales. A scale is any sequence of notes used to create a specific pattern. A lot of jazz, country, Latin, blues, and rock music came from alterations of  traditional major scales or chords. The simplest scale is a C major scale. It is just the notes c,d,e,f,g,a,b then back to c, very simple. In scales you have something called scale degrees which are not as scary as they sound. Scale degrees are just a way to classify the order of the notes in a scale,. for example; c is to the scale degree of  1, D is to 2, E is to 3, F is to 4, G is to 5, A is to 6, B is to 7 and so on.  Now a chord is where two notes or more are combined to create a harmony. And different styles of music call for different types of chords. ;)
     Let`s start with the basics. There are predominantly two chords that rule music; major and minor. Major chords are happier and pretty and minor chords are more depressing and scary. Here is the crazy thing, we can add, take away, or even change the chord and make a similar yet completely different sound using different scale degrees. A C major chord uses 3 notes, specifically, C,E, and G. The cool thing is you can add a B note to create something called a major 7th chord which sounds celestial (heavenly). It is called 7th because you use the "7th" scale degree which is B. This chord is predominantly used in jazz and rock.
     That is not all though you can flatten the B to an A# or a sharp. What that will do is give the chord a poppy yet weird funky sound. It is too hard to describe the sound it produces. So this chord uses the notes c, e, g and a#. If you are lost, sharps and flats are not between notes, like A is raised to A sharp or lowered to A flat yet it is not lowered to G or raised to B. It is in between. This chord is used in blues and rock. Latin music kind of fuses all chords together. That is why in guitar it is considered the technique god of music.
     What about rap or electronica 0_0?  Rap is rhythm-based. The lyrics are pretty much just poems. and the music is produced through technology such as synthesizers and mixers which produce different sounds.
     I will post a video on my blog where I explain everything about what I just said. Join me next week as I try to figure out the most impossible question to answer. Why do we like the music we do?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Before Christ?

      We might not know what music theory is but we all have heard of music theory and can recognize a quarter note at least (if not you're good). -_- but according to my research, music theory helps us out a lot on understanding what makes music sounds good. It's like a rule book. The "Kool" thing is we get different music by bending and stretching the rules.

     In the Bible there are so many scriptures related to music; literally too many to count. What do they say? Well they describe so much about making praises to the Lord. Have you ever heard of David and Goliath? Goliath was 9 feet tall and a fierce warrior. David was just a teenager and he killed Goliath. The funny thing is David was a musician. He played harp. another thing the bible says is that the devil, supreme evil being dedicated to your destruction was a worship leader in heaven. Wow 0_0. I'm not saying he created metal but i have heard of a chord called the devil`s triad. A former satanist said that the devil showed him and that triad became very popular in metal music.

     The earliest instruments were vocal, woodwind, stringed and percussion. And the earliest written music was in the 1700`s. we don`t know for sure who created music theory, but historians and musicians have came up with the almost impossible to disprove theory that not one man could have created music theory but it took many men.

     Join me next week as i try to discover how music evolved to the music we have today.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


      Music... why? Where on Earth did music come from? Or is it even from Earth? Why do we like the styles of music that we do? What is music? When did it start and how?

      These questions are what I am trying to find out. My driving question is; how did we get music? Think for just a minute what is your favorite song? If that is too hard then who is you favorite artist? Now, just imagine if you showed some one who lived before Christ, who was a Jew, your favorite song or artist. Would they like it? I always imagined they would be amazed.

      It also makes me wonder, what is are music going to be like in another 400 years? We have seen a huge dramatic change in music from 1915 to 2015.

     Another thing to think about is why do we like the music we do? What is so great about it? What goes on in the minds of people who create it and listen it. Is it more than just that`s my jam! In my definition music is a miracle what else could it be?