Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Before Christ?

      We might not know what music theory is but we all have heard of music theory and can recognize a quarter note at least (if not you're good). -_- but according to my research, music theory helps us out a lot on understanding what makes music sounds good. It's like a rule book. The "Kool" thing is we get different music by bending and stretching the rules.

     In the Bible there are so many scriptures related to music; literally too many to count. What do they say? Well they describe so much about making praises to the Lord. Have you ever heard of David and Goliath? Goliath was 9 feet tall and a fierce warrior. David was just a teenager and he killed Goliath. The funny thing is David was a musician. He played harp. another thing the bible says is that the devil, supreme evil being dedicated to your destruction was a worship leader in heaven. Wow 0_0. I'm not saying he created metal but i have heard of a chord called the devil`s triad. A former satanist said that the devil showed him and that triad became very popular in metal music.

     The earliest instruments were vocal, woodwind, stringed and percussion. And the earliest written music was in the 1700`s. we don`t know for sure who created music theory, but historians and musicians have came up with the almost impossible to disprove theory that not one man could have created music theory but it took many men.

     Join me next week as i try to discover how music evolved to the music we have today.


  1. I like how you relate this to the bible, it makes the topic more deep and really interesting. Some people who might've came up with music theory could be early musicians such as Beethoven and Bach. Your topic seems really and I can't wait to see your presentation!! :)

  2. This is really deep, I already know your presentation is going to be great. You took it totally left to how I was thinking.
